We care for pets in Port Coquitlam.
Dogs and cats tend to grow faster than humans. Breed of dog is one of the determinants to calculate their age. Large breed dogs are considered senior at the ages of 6-7 years. Even giant breed dogs can show signs of aging as early as 5, while small breeds don't become "seniors" until around age 10. Medium-sized dogs are somewhere in the middle on both counts. Cats are considered to be elderly once they reach 11 years.
Senior pets can develop many of the same physical problems that humans experience as we age, such as heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, dental problems, joint issues and weakness. AAHA recommends, “as the pet enters its senior years, more frequent testing and more extensive examinations are recommended than for younger pets”. Routine periodic examination of senior pets allows us to detect minor changes in a senior pet’s body that can easily go unnoticed by its owner. Early identification of these subtle alterations can help prevent the progression of disease and lessen the suffering of your senior dog or cat.
We ask that you make an appointment with a poco vet using our online form (link below) so we can better serve you and your pet more efficiently.
We ask that you make an appointment using our online form (link below) so we can better serve you and your pet more efficiently.
Get in touch! Complete the form below, and a member of our team will be in touch with you shortly. If you’re in need of immediate assistance, please call us.
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